Following are some concepts I made for Outcast Reboot HD kickstarter campaign.
Some samples of my work on Fighter Within (Xbox1 Kinect), that has been released at end november2013. screenshots bellow show the levels I worked on
October 10,2013
Following images are related to Softkinetic Studios projects, a small developpers team dedicated to gesture games/applications, where I worked from end 2008 to beginning 2013, as the art director.
- Meerkat : a small platform game prototype : the goal is to help a group of crazy meerkats to reach the exit of the level, using various objects an avoiding some dangerous traps placed on each levels.
A concept I made for the jungle levels.
Some mockups showing the HUD, enemies, mood researches.
A WIP screenshot of the first level.
August 26,2013
- SAD : codename for a prototype based on complex interactions with npc's, in a "Jack the ripper" mood.
My contribution : art direction, concepts, environment co-modeling/texturing (with another artist), character animations, lighting, visual tweaking.
- Sorcerer's Apprentice : a very small project we did in less than 3 months, promoting Disney's Sorcerer’s Apprentice movie. The game was presented on promotional billboards in two shopping malls during June 2010, with one in New York City and the other in Hollywood, LA
My contribution : art direction, animated objects, brooms modeling/texturing/animation, Hud /menus, lighting, visual tweaking.
- Silhouette : a variation of "hole in the wall" game : player has to control a 3D avatar (a projection of his body in the game's world) he has to make poses, trying to match cut-outs on approaching walls depending on the rhythm of the music.
My contribution on Silhouette : art direction, all concepts and levels 3d templates, environement co-modeling/texturing (with another artist), Hud / menus, lighting/image tweaking.
Below, you can see the concept I prepared for each of the 3 levels (Ice, Jungle and volcano), and the final in-game screenshots.
Some bonuses research describing their behavior
- A variation on the same game, for a chinese client, we only produced the 2 levels bellow.
My contribution : art direction, bamboo level concepts, co-modeling/texturing (with env team), lighting (pre-baked on vertex color because platform technical restrictions) ,visual tweaking.
- DanceWall : DanceWall has been co-developed with iFeelSmart for set-top box, smart TVs and the PC.
some official screenshots of the game
Some buttons I produced for the game menus
Since September 2008 I've been working as a teacher for a video-game school at Namur, Belgium. Bellow are some samples of the exercices I proposed :
- PSP Tank : basics modeling/texturing : creating a PSP tank in Maya and prepare it for animation (create the hierarchy and animated uvs for the tracks).
- PSP Unlit texturing : create an ancient altar and paint all the lighting/material/details information in the texture in 3Dcoat, without any real time lighting.
August 25,2013
Urban-Race is a parkour/ running game, using bonuses and traps to win the race.
Just after stopping the production of Totems, We tried to quickly propose another game concept to publishers, using a lot of the experience and knowledge we gained on Totems. In less than 3 months we succeeded to produce a playable demo, showing 2 levels and 2 characters, but, because financial problems, the project was stopped. My contribution on this project : art direction.
Totems was a AAA action/adventure game project, unfortunately stopped in 2008 because 10Tacle bankruptcy.
At the beginning of the project I worked as a lead artist, producing concepts, mockups and 3D prototypes (levels, characters animation/locomotion). Then I was proposed to be art manager, managing plannings for the art/animation/outsourcing teams. One year later I became art director ont the project (plannings/art direction, follow up, outsourcing, levels lighting/visual tweaking.)
My contribution on the small scene bellow: almost all the 3d assets modeling/texturing and the scene lighting/tweaking. The 2 decorative wall elements on the upper image and some objects and textures from the middle image are from other artists.
Another prototype I did, showing the entry of a chinese restaurant.
Images bellow : When starting a new district, we were asked to quickly visualize and test it in-game. To help in the process I prepared some generic stone tileable texture sets (on the right side) for the artists to apply on basic 3d elements, so in just a few days we already had a basic textured area to test in-game (some assembly tests from another artist on left side).
Some quick concepts I did for 3 differents districts : deserted/poluted industrial area, old town district and antic civilisation temples.
And, finally, some official in-game screenshots of the first district (very architectural comparing to the others). My contribution : art direction and level visual tweaking
In January 2006, just after finishing the production of "David Douillet Judo" (on which I mainly worked as an animator), during a period of 6 months, I was in charge of managing the 10Tacle-Singapore art department, on their badminton game, I was also responsible of training the art team about our tools, methodologies and art pipelines. Below are some in-game screenshots I contributed (terrain, background impostors, scene lighting/visual tweaking)
August 20,2013
Some personal works, the first one was mainly for trying some new photoshop brushes, the second one is about a "daoka" concept for a protoype (gates that are used for travelling from one place to another in Outcast)
Some concepts I did for a game prototype called Symbiosis, started in September 2002 : The game concept was about action/infiltration combats in a space station on an unfriendly planet, unfortunately it was stopped to focus on other prototypes. I mainly worked on environments modeling/texturing, character rigging and animation, I also did some concepts.
August 13,2013
From June 1997 to Jully 2002 I worked as a lead artist at Appeal SA, mainly on 2 projects : Outcast (released 1n 1999) and Outcast 2 (project cancelled by Infogrames).
- Outcast 2 :
My contribution to Outcast 2 : environment concepts - environments modeling/texturing - characters modeling/texturing - character animation - level visual editing
- Outcast :
Outcast is an open world adventure-action game using a combination of voxels and polygonal objects for the environments. Very exciting game, I was very proud to join Appeal to work on it.
contribution to Outcast : some marketing images,
environment concepts for the main places - most of the characters and
some creatures modeling/texturing, character rigging/animation, various 3d objects, additional work on shamazaar and okaar
August 12, 2013

- Stone Ball : I did most of the environment elements (except the terrain), the game-over screen and most of in-game animated effects.
- Cheese Chase: I did all the environment part (except the lava Background), the Intro and game-over screens, all the levels visual editing (following provided level designs)
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